
Here is why I don't care about the Levene's test

Published at March 15, 2024 ·  5 min read

During my stat courses, I never give my students any information about the Levene’s test (Levene and Howard, 1960), or other similar tests for homoscedasticity, unless I am specifically prompted to do so. It is not that I intend to underrate the tremendous importance of checking for the basic assumptions of linear model! On the contrary, I always show my students several methods for the graphical inspection of model residuals, but I do not share the same aching desire for a P-value, that most of my colleagues seem to possess.


Meta-analysis for a single study. Is it possible?

Published at July 21, 2022 ·  12 min read

We all know that the word meta-analysis encompasses a body of statistical techniques to combine quantitative evidence from several independent studies. However, I have recently discovered that meta-analytic methods can also be used to analyse the results of a single research project. That happened a few months ago, when I was reading a paper from Damesa et al. (2017), where the authors describe some interesting methods of data analyses for multi-environment genotype experiments. These authors gave a few nice examples with related SAS code, that is rooted in mixed models. As an R enthusiast, I was willing to reproduce their analyses with R, but I could not succeed, until I realised that I could make use of the package ‘metafor’ and its bunch of meta-analityc methods.


Accounting for the experimental design in linear/nonlinear regression analyses

Published at December 4, 2020 ·  11 min read

In this post, I am going to talk about an issue that is often overlooked by agronomists and biologists. The point is that field experiments are very often laid down in blocks, using split-plot designs, strip-plot designs or other types of designs with grouping factors (blocks, main-plots, sub-plots). We know that these grouping factors should be appropriately accounted for in data analyses: ‘analyze them as you have randomized them’ is a common saying attributed to Ronald Fisher. Indeed, observations in the same group are correlated, as they are more alike than observations in different groups. What happens if we neglect the grouping factors? We break the independence assumption and our inferences are invalid (Onofri et al., 2010).


Testing for interactions in nonlinear regression

Published at September 13, 2019 ·  11 min read

Factorial experiments are very common in agriculture and they are usually laid down to test for the significance of interactions between experimental factors. For example, genotype assessments may be performed at two different nitrogen fertilisation levels (e.g. high and low) to understand whether the ranking of genotypes depends on nutrient availability. For those of you who are not very much into agriculture, I will only say that such an assessment is relevant, because we need to know whether we can recommend the same genotypes, e.g., both in conventional agriculture (high nitrogen availability) and in organic agriculture (relatively lower nitrogen availability).
