Impiego (non proprio) di base di R

  1. Introduzione ad R
  2. Gestione dei dati con R
  3. Strutture essenziali di programmazione
  4. Introduzione alla grafica con R
  5. Esercizi
  6. Reference: R for data science (2e)

Models and model building

  1. Slides
  2. Esercizi
  3. Reference: Venables, W.N., Ripley, B.D., 2002. Modern applied statistics with S, 4th ed. ed, Statistics and computing. Springer, New York.

Principal component analysis

  1. Slides
  2. Esercizi
  3. Reference: Legendre, P., Legendre, L., 2012. Numerical ecology. Elsevier, Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
  4. Reference: Borcard, D., Gillet, F., Legendre, P., 2011. Numerical Ecology with R. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011, New York.

Cluster analysis

  1. Slides
  2. Esercizi
  3. Reference: Legendre, P., Legendre, L., 2012. Numerical ecology. Elsevier, Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
  4. Reference: Borcard, D., Gillet, F., Legendre, P., 2011. Numerical Ecology with R. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011, New York.

Mixed models

  1. Slides
  2. Reference: Pinheiro, J.C., Bates, D.M., 2000. Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-Plus, Springer-Verlag Inc. ed. Springer-Verlag Inc., New York.
  3. Reference: Gałecki, A., Burzykowski, T., 2013. Linear mixed-effects models using R: a step-by-step approach. Springer, Berlin.